
Links preceded by an asterisk (*) lead directly to PDF files.

Links preceded by a plus sign (+) require free registration
(to that particular site, not to Embroidery Pattern Central) before viewing.

+ Angel

Baby Animals

Back to School

+ Ballet Dancer RW

* Barn Owl Redwork

Baseboy 1

Baseboy 2

Baseboy 3

Baseboy 4

Baseboy 5

* Batter Up

* Beautiful Butterfly Redwork

Beautiful Red Cat

+ Bebe Redwork


* Begger Cat

Bluework Lovebirds Embroidery Pattern

+ Bluework Princess 1

Braids for Girl

Carnival Bears Redwork

* Carving the Pumpkin


* Chasing Butterflies Redwork

+ Cherry Pie

+ Christmas Redwork Embroidery Pattern

+ Fairy 2

* Feeding the Squirrels

+ Flora

Flower Filled Heart

* Flowers

* Galvanic Soap Girl Redwork

+ Girl With Umbrella Redwork

Handsome Red Kitty

Happy Boy

Happy Girl

Hip Boy

His & Hers Snow People


Hungarian Redwork


+ Little Angel

+ Little Angel

+ Little Chef

+ Little Chef - Redwork Design

Little Girl or Boy

Lovebirds in Redwork

Maca Girl

Mermaids Redwork

Mr. & Mrs. Snowmen

+ One Color Redwork Butterfly 2

+ One Color Redwork Butterfly With Flowers

+ Pigeon

Present Girl


+ Quick Work

Ragdoll 3

Ragdoll 5

Red Angel

+ Red Apple

+ Red Cherry

+ Red Days

+ Red Grapes

Red Kitty

Red Lady 1

Red Lady 2

Red Lady 3

Red Lady 4

Red Lady 5

Red Party

+ Red Pear

Red Work - July 2002

+ Red Work Angels

+ Red Work Cancer the Crab

+ Redline Rooster


+ Redwork

Redwork (Machine Embroidery, Miscellaneous)

Redwork Alphabet Series - Part 1

Redwork Alphabet Series - Part 2

Redwork Alphabet Series - Part 3

Redwork Alphabet Series - Part 4

Redwork Animal Alphabet

Redwork Apple

Redwork Bell

+ Redwork Bell

+ Redwork Boy

Redwork Chef Set

Redwork Chicken Weathervane Pattern

+ Redwork Christmas Girl Bonnet

Redwork Cinderella

Redwork Collection (1 Free Out of Set)

+ Redwork Cottontail

Redwork Dogs

Redwork Fisherman 10 designs

+ Redwork Girl

+ Redwork Little Angel 9

Redwork Peacock

+ Redwork Seahorse

Redwork Sewing Kit

Redwork Wine Set

+ RedworkLady

Romance in Redwork

* Rooster Redwork

Saint Nick

* Saint Paddy

* Santa

Slavic Redwork (Scroll Down)

* Sleepy New Year

* Snowman

+ Spring Rain

Summer Santa

* Summersplash

+ Sun Bonnet 1

* Sunbonnet Babies Redwork

* Swept Away

* Turkey, I Love You

* Uh Oh

Valentine Hearts

* Valentines

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